Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2010

Online videos for tourists

There is no doubt that the internet has made so many things possible easier that were definetely unthinkable in the past. But although people think that the internet has revolutionized our world, a lot of information found on the internet can be easily found in a library. However there is one very special feature which books cannot offer but the internet can offer and they are online videos.

Online videos have been made available for travellers. Places that offer online videos include Hotels, wellness facilities, restaurants, travel agencies, motels etc. These videos have many purposes, the main one ofcourse being to attract a customer to go and eat or make a holiday at that certain place. They have by all means taken a lot of doubts away from the customers. For example, before the online videos became available to the public, people just trusted the information and the pictures that they were given and as everybody knows, pictures and information can be false and therefore bad surprises happen when the customer gets to the destination. Of course in a lot cases it is not like that, but the high risk of trusting only pictures and information is there. So therefore these online videos allow tourists to actually observe (sometimes even observe LIVE) the place where they are going to stay, taking away most of the doubts that they could have had. Online videos have made tourists more convinced of going to a destination and these videos have now become available on a number of technologies ranging from cell phones to GPS´s,


1 Kommentar:

  1. It is true that online videos really provide a huge advantage, instead of searching for hours in libraries. Travellers enjoy that they do not have to "trust blind" anymore and they are able to make themselve a picture of what they expect.
    I think nowadays people can not imagine to travel somewhere without being informed through the internet, no matter if we talk about pictures or reviews to get a first impression!

    Online videos make our life easier,I agreee, as we live in a world where everything should be faster and easier =)
